Week 7 | Neuroscience + Art | Blog Assignment
Neuroculture, as a discipline of neuroscience subject, is becoming increasingly arresting in our daily lives, social practices and intellectual discourses. The neuroculture is highly inclusive in terms of phycological matters, such as phycological medications, criminal behavior analysis and stimulation of certain nonfunctional part of brain system. Basically speaking, neuroculture deals with social problems applying neuroscience based technology. As a sub-discipline of neuroculture, neuroaesthetics majorly focused on the artistic and commercial creations circulating in the public domain.
Neuroaesthetics is foramally defined in the year 2002 as the scientific study of the neural bases for the contemplation and creation of a work of art. Neuroaesthetics use neuroscience to explain and understand the work of art at a neurological level that unconsciously implemented in the works . Researchers in the neuroaesthetics field are trying to figure out what is behind human’s brain of a specific individual through his works. And the exactly technique could be used to evaluate the reason why certain works are so compelling. The world known painting piece, Mona Lisa, painted by DaVinci, is inevitably the target of neuroaesthetics analysis. On the one hand, the painting, along with other paintings done by DaVinci, is highly valuable in analyzing the theories that DaVinci apply to his works and therefore lead a conclusion about the personality of him. On the other hand, by finding such pattern, it’s applicable to determine the myth behind the Mona Lisa as being so attractive. Therefore, links between people’s aesthetics contemporarily could be evaluated.
Nowadays, neuroaesthetics are intensively applied in commercial advertisement and video games, such products of neuroaesthetics are based on the neurological behaviors of consumers. For advertisements and entertaining video games, the manufacturers analyze certain neurological signals that would attract corresponding customers and consciously transformed the signals into visual arts and deliver to consumers. As for other games or visual arts concentrated on training purpose, through interactions within the games and visual images, the nonfunctional or damaged portion of brain system is intensively trained with a specific purpose, and thus help cure neurological disease.